Who We Are

Unity Care Services Australia (UCSA) is an organisation that assists facilities with staffing shortage issues. 

We understand the challenges of geographic spread, limited infrastructure, and low population density in rural and remote Australia which can be a hassle for having sufficient staff, so we’re here to help! 


We are also a disability service provider. 

We help people in the community achieve a quality of life that anyone in the community might expect as well as provide a feeling of worth, belonging, and self-fulfillment. 


Disability Support
UCSA Target

Our Mission

To provide roster stability to facilities and help people in the community to achieve a quality of life where they have a feeling of worth, belonging and self-fulfilment

Our Vision

To assist facility staffing requirements and be inclusive in communities which respect, value and empower all people with a disability

UCSA Diamond

Our Values

Respect, Inclusion, Empowerment, Commitment, Achievement


If you’re unable to find your question here, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you.
NDIS Disability Support
NDIS plan managers help you monitor your funds and provide financial reporting. They submit claims for supports and services after they have been provided to you.
Support coordinators support you to understand and implement supports included in your plan. They will link you to providers and other community and government services.

The NDIS provides funding to eligible people based on their individual needs. Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received. NDIS participants then use their funding to purchase supports and services (such as supports and services offered by UCSA) to help them pursue your goals.

The NDIS can work with you to put your plan into action, and depending on your situation there are a range of people who can help you implement your plan and support you to start receiving supports.

These would have been discussed with you during your planning process and may be a Local Area Coordinator or an early childhood partner. Some people may also have a Support Coordinator funded in their plan to help them get started.

You can start your plan by yourself if you are self-managed

Core supports budget

Your Core budget is the most flexible, and includes four categories of support:

  1.  Consumables (e.g. purchasing everyday use items such as continence aids)
  2. Daily Activities (e.g. assistance with self-care activities during the day or evening)
  3. Assistance with Social and Community Participation (e.g. supports to enable you to engage in social or recreational activities)
  4. Transport (e.g. if you are unable to use public transport because of your disability).

The good news is you can generally use Core budget funds allocated against one support category to purchase supports under another support category unless funds have been set aside for a specific purpose such as periodic payments for transport, or any Core budget line item type that is:

  • Compensation
  • Specialised Disability Accommodation i.e. accommodation for participants who require specialist housing solutions due to significant functional impairment and/or very high support needs.
  • In-kind e.g. Government pre-paid supports such as school transport or some therapy supports
  • Stated item (including Quotes for certain items) e.g. assistance in a shared living arrangement.

In these cases the funds within a category must only be used for that specific purpose. For details about your Core supports please refer to your NDIS plan.

Capacity Building budget

The Capacity Building funding is allocated across eight support sub-categories, each matched with the goals in your plan. You can choose how to spend these funds to purchase any approved individual support within its category, but won’t be able to move funding from one category to another.

The Capacity Building support categories include:

  1. Choice and Control e.g. training in planning and plan management
  2. Daily Activity e.g. therapy aimed at building your capacity to participate
  3. Employment e.g. employment related assessment and counselling
  4. Health and Wellbeing e.g. exercise advice required because of impact of disability
  5. Home Living e.g. support to obtain/retain appropriate accommodation
  6. Lifelong Learning e.g. assistance moving from school to further education
  7. Relationships e.g. positive behavioural support strategies to reduce behaviours of concern
  8. Social and Community Participation e.g. Individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation.

Support Coordination (if required) is included in the Capacity Building budget. This is a fixed amount for strengthening participant’s abilities to coordinate and implement supports in their plans and to participate more fully in the community.

Capital Support budget

The Capital Support budget relates to supports such as assistive technology or modifications to your home and as such depends on quotes from suppliers. Funds within this budget can only be used for their specific purpose (e.g. a rail in the bathroom or a wheelchair) and cannot be used to fund other items.

The Capital Support budget has two support categories:

  • Assistive Technology – includes equipment items for mobility, personal care, communication and recreational inclusion (e.g. wheelchairs or vehicle modifications)
  • Home Modifications (e.g. rail in the bathroom).